
Zambia: Ending our activities at the Lusaka Office. We appreciate your support throughout all these years.

As of March 2019, we ended two activities (measures against HIV/AIDS, and maternal and child health care) which had been conducted at the Lusaka Office. Masaru MIKI, the last AAR Japan staff stationed at the Lusaka Office reports.
Clinic staff members, local volunteers, AAR Lusaka Office staff and Masaru MIKI (center, front) (March 11, 2019)


Emergency Relief : Flood disaster in southwest Japan

The severe downpours that continued from 27th of August in South West Japan caused landslide and flooding. The number of evacuees in Saga Prefecture reached 2,200 people at the peak and it is down to 160 people (76 households) on the morning of 5th of September according to Saga Prefecture Disaster Response Headquarters. Although some roads in the region remain closed, the water stoppage that affected 2,500 households has been recovered. The severe rain flooded over 3,000 houses in Saga and the welfare facility in the region are unable to operate due to inundation.

Namatame, AAR staff handing out sports drink to people at “Hagakure Gakuen” in Saga city, Saga (31st of August.)