
8/27 Event "Removing Barriers to Growth: How Landmines Affect African Development" - TICAD 7 Official Side Event

A panel of speakers will discuss the importance of landmine removal in creating a safe environment for development and investment across Africa

On behalf of the Landmine Free 2025 Campaign, The HALO Trust (HALO), Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan and Mines Advisory Group (MAG) will be holding a side event during the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). 

A deminer clears land under a destroyed bridge across the Zambezi near Cazombo, Angola, Following clearance, this bridge has now been fully reconstructed.©Sean Sutton/MAG

Panellists will discuss the importance of infrastructure in African development within the context of both civil society and high-level government strategies. The panel will also share examples of the impact of mine clearance on the movement of people and goods along transportation networks, such as the Trans-African Highway, priority economic corridors and rail. The overarching theme will be to investigate the barrier that landmines have on infrastructure and economic development in Africa.

Date    :Tue., 27th  August  2019, 18 : 00-19 : 30
Venue : Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall Annex F203 (1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku,Yokohama ) 5 minutes on foot from Minato Mirai Station(Minato Mirai Line)

◆Panellists include◆

His Excellency Smaїl Chergui, African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security
H.E. Smaїl Chergui is an Algerian diplomat. He was re-elected Commissioner of the African Union Peace and Security Commission after a four-year term. Ambassador Chergui has more than 30 years of experience in the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and more than 20 years in a position of high responsibility. He has extensive experience in the management of pan-African affairs, in particular as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Algeria

Ms. Eri Komukai, JICA Senior Advisor (Peacebuilding)
JICA senior advisor on Peacebuilding since 2008. After working for humanitarian emergency relief at Sudanese refugee camps and post-conflict Rwanda as a NGO staff, joined JICA in 1998 in charge of Peacebuilding. Currently engaged in formulation of policies, strategies and methodologies relating to Peacebuilding, research, human resource development as well as formulation, implementation and evaluation of JICA’s cooperation in conflict-prone countries and regions including mine action sector.

Nikken Corporation
Based in Minamiarupusu City in Yamanashi-ken.  A manufacturer specializing in assembly, sales and service of construction machinery.  Started research and development of demining machines in 1995.  After supplying the first unit to Cambodia in 2000, to date provided in a total of 138 demining machines to 11 countries, including Laos, Angola, Mozambique, and Colombia.  

Ms. Margaret Arach Orech, ICBL Champaign ambassador, Director of Uganda Landmine Survivors Association, Survivor of a landmine explosion
In 1998, the bus she was riding in hit a landmine and was ambushed by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Her right leg was shattered from the blast. Orech has worked since that time for the health and rights of fellow survivors of landmines and victims of the war in northern Uganda. 

Mr. James Cowan, CEO of The HALO Trust
 HALO is the world leading NGO clearing the debris of war with over 8,500 staff in 24 countries. At a time of unprecedented manmade humanitarian crisis, HALO’s work has never been more important.  James was a soldier for 30 years, serving in
 Germany, Northern Ireland, Africa, Hong Kong, Iraq and Afghanistan.James left the
Army in 2015 to become Chief Executive of The HALO Trust. 

Facilitator: Yukie OSA. President of AAR Japan
 OSA has held positions including the country representative of the project in former Yugoslavia, Deputy Secretary General, and Managing Director/ Secretary General (2000-2003). During this time, she participated in emergency assistance operations in conflict situations, mine action, and activities related to banning landmines as part of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).She has been the Representative of the Board of Directors for Japan Platform since July 2006, and professor at Rikkyo University Graduate School of Social Design Studies since April 2009.

◆Admission FREE,  Advance registration required.
Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan)
Please register at :  info@aarjapan.gr.jp
TEL 03-5423-4511(Mon-Sat 10:00~18:00)