
Japan: A Sincere “ARIGATO” for Your Support of AAR JAPAN’s Great East Japan Earthquake Relief Activities

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck the northern regions of Japan on March 11th 2011, AAR JAPAN has been receiving material donations, financial funding and logistical assistance on an unprecedented scale, both domestically and internationally.

Our endeavors to aid the disaster victims are still in progress, but at this time we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to those individuals and organizations that have generously extended their helping hands. Without them, relief activities carried out in the areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami would never have been possible. AAR JAPAN is committed to continuing to direct all the support received from our donors to the disaster victims in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

Our international supporters, in alphabetical order, as of November 21st:


Turkey: Distribution of Beef at the Muslim Festival

A hotel where 2 staff members of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN) were staying collapsed around 9:23pm on November 9th, 2011 (local time) after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey. Atsushi MIYAZAKI died beneath the rubbles, while Miyuki KONNAI survived with an injury that was not life-threatening. We would like to convey to his family our deepest condolences and prayers that he rest in peace.
The following report was e-mailed by KONNAI around 8 pm on November 9th, 2011 (local time).

November 6th, 2011- Miyuki KONNNAI (left) and Atsushi MIYAZAKI (right) of AAR JAPAN’s emergency relief team visited the hard-hit villages with bags of beef in their hands.

Cambodia: We Have Distributed Relief Supplies to Those Affected by the Floods

In response to the widespread flooding in Southeast Asia, AAR JAPAN dispatched 2 staff members, Noriyasu OKAYAMA and Sanae HAYASHI, to Cambodia on November 5th in the effort to provide emergency assistance to those affected by the disaster. On November 15th, we distributed food items and non-food relief supplies to 300 households around Khsach Kandal District of Kandal Province, a suburban area of the nation’s capital Phnom Penh.


Japan: Delivering Vehicles to Welfare Facilities in Disaster-Affected Areas

AAR JAPAN initiated the project to deliver vehicles to institutions that cater to persons with disabilities and elderly people in disaster-stricken areas in the effort to support welfare facilities that have lost their modes of transportation in the disaster. We visited Sasaeai Yamamoto, a facility for elderly people in Yamamoto Town, Miyagi Prefecture, on October 14th, and Suzuran-to-Katatsumuri (“Lilies and Snails”), a facility for persons with disabilities in Rikuzen-takata City, Iwate Prefecture, on October 16th. This report is by Natsuho SHOJI, who attended the presentation ceremonies at these two sites.
* This project was made possible by the generous donation from JTI Foundation.


Japan: Eight Months after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Activity Report

In the Disaster Zone, Support Still Needed
October 21st, 2011 – AAR JAPAN delivers a portable power generator for Mana NAGAURA, who suffers from congenital myopathy, which requires her to breathe with an artificial respirator. At center is Natsuho SHOJI of AAR JAPAN. (Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture)


Turkey: Passing of Mr. Atsushi MIYAZAKI (update)

AAR JAPAN will hold a memorial service for Mr. Atsushi Miyazaki in the afternoon of December 6th, 2011 at Nippon-Seinenkan (Shinjuku, Tokyo). Details will be posted shortly. (November 15, 2011)

A hotel where 2 staff members of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN) were staying collapsed around 9:23pm on November 9th, 2011 (local time) after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey. Atsushi MIYAZAKI died beneath the rubbles, while Miyuki KONNAI survived with an injury that was not life-threatening.

Mr. MIYAZAKI’s body departed from Istanbul in the evening of November 12th (local time) and arrived in Japan in the afternoon of November 13th (Japan time). After being reunited with his family, his body will be returned to his home on the same day.

KONNAI is currently in a hospital in Ankara and will confirm her return date to Japan based on the result of the doctor’s examination.

We at the AAR JAPAN Tokyo Headquarters Office have been receiving numerous heartfelt messages of condolence, appreciation for our aid work, and encouragement from Turkey as well as other countries around the world. We have already received more than 450 messages and would like to express our sincerest appreciation for your support.

* KONNAI is unable to accept hospital visits and interviews as she is currently recovering from the damage. We thank you in advance for your understanding.

About AAR JAPAN’s Relief Activities in Turkey
AAR JAPAN’s emergency support team that included MIYAZAKI and KONNAI arrived in Turkey on October 26th and began distributing relief items to the disaster survivors after assessing the extent of the damage and the needs of those affected by the earthquake. They distributed food and other daily supplies to approximately 40 families on November 1st and 2nd and to approximately 70 families on the 5th in severely-affected villages in Van Province. In addition, they distributed beef to approximately 50 families on November 6th during Eid al-Adha (“Kurban Bayramı”), the Muslim feast of sacrifice.


MIYAZAKI joined the Overseas/ Domestic Divisions of AAR JAPAN in September, 2011. His interest in international politics stems from his time in university, which led him to pursue a degree in Conflict Resolution Studies in the UK. Before joining AAR JAPAN, he had worked for an NGO that provides humanitarian aid in the Philippines. (41 years old from Oita Prefecture)


KONNAI joined the AAR JAPAN Tokyo office in October, 2011. She developed an interest toward Turkey, a country bridging the east and west, as a university student and further continued her studies at the graduate level. She has investigated various topics including the nation’s application to accede to the EU and immigration, conducted field researches in Turkey and northern Cyprus. She joined AAR JAPAN after spending 5.5 years at a newspaper company as a reporter. (32 years old from Fukushima Prefecture)

TÜRKİYE: Sayın Atsushi Miyazaki

AAR JAPAN will hold a memorial service for Mr. Atsushi Miyazaki in the afternoon of December 6th, 2011 at Nippon-Seinenkan (Shinjuku, Tokyo). Details will be posted shortly. (November 15, 2011)
 Üyemiz Atsushi Miyazaki’nin yaşamını yitirmesi nedeniyle dünyanın dört yanından bize derin başsağlığı dilekleri iletildi. Ancak gönderilen başsağlığı mesajlarına ayrı ayrı cevap yazma imkânımız olmadı. Cevap yazamadığımız dostlarımızın bizi anlayışla karşılayacağını umuyoruz. Tüm elemanlarımız adına başsağlığı dilekleriniz için yürekten teşekkür ediyoruz.

AAR Japan Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Yukie Osa’nin mesajı:


Van'da Japonya saatiyle 10 Kasım günü 04.23’te 7.2 büyüklüğündeki depremin artçısı olduğu sanılan Rihter ölçeğine göre 5.7 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi ve bölgede bulunan iki üyemiz konakladıkları otelin yıkılması sonucu enkaz altında kaldı.

Üyelerimizden Miyuki Konnai aynı gün sabah saatlerinde enkazdan sağ olarak kurtarıldı.Enkazdan çıkarılan Atsushi Miyazaki ise Van Bölge Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nde yapılan müdahalelere rağmen kurtarılamadı.

Saat 17.00 sıralarında ağır yaralı halde çıkarılan Miyazaki’nin durumu ciddiyetini korurken bir yandan da Ankara’ya acil sevk için hazırlık başlamıştı. Fakat bize ulaşan ve daha sonra bölge halkı tarafından doğrulanan ölüm haberi umudumuzun tamamen tükenmesine neden oldu.

Miyazaki geçen haziran ayında kuruluşumuza başvuru yapmış, ağustos ayında stajını tamamlamış ve 1 Eylül günü de asli elemanımız olarak görevine başlamıştı. Başvuru dilekçesinde uluslararası yardımlaşma, özellikle acil desteğe olan sıcak bakışını şöyle dile getirmişti:

Bu yıl ülkemizde büyük deprem felaketinin yaşanması üzerine gelişmiş ülkelerin yanı sıra gelişmekte olan ülkelerin de bize destek vermesi, dünyanın bir dayanışma üzerine kurulu olduğunu bana bir kez daha hatırlattı. Japonya’daki son deprem bölgesi de dahil olmak üzere bütün dünyada acil yardıma muhtaç insanlar için hâlihazırda neler yapabileceğimi düşündüğümde, şu ana kadar kamu ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarında görev alarak gerek teşkilatı yürütme ve yönetme alanında gerekse halkı bilgilendirme ve aydınlatma alanında edindiğim tecrübelerden faydalanabileceğim kanaatine vardım.
Yüksek lisansımı alternatif uyuşmazlık çözümü üzerine yaptım ve uzun zamandan beri barış tesis etmeyi meslek haline getirmek istiyordum. Japonya’daki son deprem felaketinden sonra barış tesis etmenin yanı sıra dünyanın her yerinde zor durumda olan insanları destekleme çalışmalarında bulunma arzum daha da güçlendi ve bu yönde faaliyet gösteren kuruluşunuza biraz da olsa katkıda bulunmak istedim.
8 Haziran 2011
Atsushi Miyazaki

Bölgede Miyazaki’yle beraber çalışan Yumeka Oota’nın dediğine göre kendisi Tokyo ofisinde olduğu gibi her zaman etrafındaki insanlara hem nazik davranarak hem de tebessümünü esirgemeyerek azimli ve aktif bir şekilde görevini sürdürüyordu. Bundan sonra da çeşitli yerlerde görevini başarıyla ifa etmesi bekleniyordu. Biz de Miyazaki’yi kaybettiğimize hâlâ inanamıyoruz.

Miyazaki’nin vefatından dolayı ailesinin üzüntüsünü paylaşıyor ve Miyazaki’ye Tanrı’dan rahmet, ailesi ve yakınlarına başsağlığı diliyoruz.

10 Kasım 2011
AAR Japan
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Yukie Osa

(Translated by Hiroshi Okawa) 


Turkey: Passing of Mr. Atsushi MIYAZAKI

We have been receiving numerous heartfelt messages from around the world for the loss of AAR JAPAN’s staff, Atsushi MIYAZAKI.
We regret being unable to respond to each of your messages, but we are all grateful for your deep condolences and sympathy.

The following is a message from Yukie OSA, Chairperson of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN).


In the early morning of the 10th, Japan time, what is considered to be an aftershock of the massive earthquake on October 23rd, a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey, destroying the hotel where two staff members of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN) were staying.

Of the two, Miyuki KONNAI was rescued in the morning of the 10th, Japan time. However, Mr. Atsushi MIYAZAKI, unfortunately, was confirmed dead at a hospital in the city of Van.

Mr. MIYAZAKI was rescued from the rubble of the hotel past 5PM, Japan time. Although he momentarily suffered cardiopulmonary arrest, his condition stabilized afterwards, and his emergency transport to Ankara was being scheduled. Later, we received the news that he passed away in the midst of transport preparation. We were strongly hoping that it was false information; however, several local staffs who had been working with Mr. MIYAZAKI confirmed his death.

Mr. MIYAZAKI applied for AAR JAPAN this past June and started training at the Tokyo Headquarters Office in August, and then he became a regular staff on September 1st. In his application letter to AAR JAPAN, his passion for international cooperation, particularly emergency assistance, was expressed:

"Many aids were sent not only from developed countries, but also from developing countries for the victims of Great East Japan Earthquake, which made me realize once again how mutual cooperation between each country is sustaining the world. When I pondered what I can do for the people in need of imminent assistance around the world, including the Tohoku region, I came to realization that I can utilize my experiences of organization management, public relations, and advocacy activities gained through my previous work in the public sector and NGOs.

I majored in conflict resolution in graduate school and have been interested in the area of peace building. Seeing the earthquake in Tohoku strengthened my desire to contribute to assisting people in difficult conditions around the world, which, I believe, also leads to building peace. AAR JAPAN is an organization dedicated to such activities, and that is why I would like to work with you.

Atsushi Miyazaki
June 8th, 2011"

According to Yumeka OTA, who was working with Mr. MIYAZAKI in Turkey, he was always thoughtful and full of smiles while very diligent and dedicated to his work just as he was at the Tokyo Headquarters Office.

We were hoping that he would further develop his career and engage in various activities as he had wished. We still cannot accept his sudden passing.

We would like to convey to his family our deepest condolences and prayers that he rest in peace.

Yukie OSA
Chairperson of AAR JAPAN



Cambodia: Emergency Relief Team Arrives in Flood-Affected Areas

The flooding in Bangkok, Thailand has been attracting the media’s attention daily, but in reality, the damage is far-reaching across Southeast Asia. More than 200 fatalities have been reported and over 400,000 households have had to evacuate in Cambodia, a country that AAR JAPAN has maintained close ties to since its establishment in 1979 under the mission of assisting the Indochinese refugees, and now currently supporting a vocational training center for persons with disabilities. In response to such calamities, AAR JAPAN has dispatched 2 of its staff members, Noriyasu OKAYAMA and Sanae HAYASHI, to Cambodia on November 5th, who have been assessing the total impact of the floods in the affected areas.

On November 8th, Noriyasu OKAYAMA visited the northern part of Tonlé Sap Lake in central Cambodia. Every year during the rainy season, the water level of the lake rises, submerging the entire surrounding area; however, the magnitude of the area that has flooded is more serious this year than usual.

Sanae HAYASHI has been assessing the extent of the damage along the Mekong basin near the nation’s capital, Phnom Penh, while preparing for our emergency relief activities. We plan to continue our investigation in various places and provide assistance to the areas accordingly.

November 8th, 2011- The schoolyard of an elementary school is submerged in water. (Kampong Thom Province)
November 8th, 2011- Water has flooded the site of a village house near Tonlé Sap Lake. (Kampong Thom Province)
November 8th, 2011- Noriyasu OKAYAM travels by boat to assess the flood damage in the affected areas. (Siem Reap Province)
November 8th, 2011- Cows that had been herded in the flooded area were tied along the national route to escape the water. (Kampong Thom Province)
November 8th, 2011- The swollen Mekong River has engulfed the houses in the surrounding area. (Kandal Province)
November 8th, 2011- “The water came all the way up to here,” says a villager in Kandal Province. (Kandal Province)

Noriyasu OKAYAMA, AAR JA APN Vientiane Office
Has been working in AAR JAPAN Vientiane Office since June, 2004. After graduating university, spent 2 years as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer in Bangladesh. Before joining AAR JAPAN, implemented ODA projects in Fisheries Agency, and then worked on rural development in Nepal for 5 years. (Born in Aichi Prefecture)

Turkey: Continuing the Distribution of Relief Supplies in Disaster-Affected Villages

A hotel where 2 staff members of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN) were staying collapsed around 9:23pm on November 9th, 2011 (local time) after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck eastern Turkey. Atsushi MIYAZAKI died beneath the rubbles, while Miyuki KONNAI survived with an injury that was not life-threatening. We would like to convey to his family our deepest condolences and prayers that he rest in peace. Cuurently, we have temporarily suspended our activities in Turkey. We will announce our future activities as soon as they are confirmed.
The below is reported on November 9th.
We Have Distributed Relief Supplies to 70 Households in Villages

“Ozal bay, bir tane! (One for Mr. Ozal!)”
“Aydin bay, iki tane! (Two for Mr. Aidin!)”

On November 5th, 2011, the voice of Mr. Tekin Kadas (40 years old) echoed through Göllü Village in Van Province as he read off the names of families. In this village located about 25 minutes by car from the center of the province, approximately 80% of the homes have been completely destroyed or resulted in cracked walls, and many people are still currently living in tents. Here, AAR JAPAN emergency relief team distributed relief supplies to 70 families. The supplies included food such as rice, oil, salt, sugar, and beans, and daily needs such as underwear and detergent.

"I can do this on my own!" With all his might, a boy carries home a basket and a bag filled with relief supplies. 
 The villagers who gathered with their families to collect the supplies waited patiently for their names to be called by Mr. Kadas in a village square. The sun sets earlier here than it does in Japan, and nightfall begins to slowly set in around 3:00 in the afternoon. The sun hit the mosque in front of the square and the windows shattered by the earthquake were clearly visible. When we handed the relief supplies to the villages, they said “Thank you” with big grins on their faces and returned home. Young schoolboys who accompanied their parents said, “I can carry this. It’s not heavy at all,” as they dragged home baskets full of supplies with all their might, taking a rest every 5, 6 meters.

The district chief, Mr. Sait Sider70 years old, thanked us with a big smile. “We appreciate you coming to such a far away place all the way from Japan. We thank you in the name of God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

On one hand, the government’s support is starting to reach the villages in the outskirts of Van Province, but on the other, poor people in central Van City have rarely received supplies other than tents. AAR JAPAN plans to distribute relief supplies to these kinds of people who are vulnerable or left out.

* This project was made possible thanks to a grant provided by Japan Platform in addition to generous individual donations.

Distributed items per family

Food items: 10 kg of rice, 2 kg of oil, 1 kg of chicken, 1.5 kg of salt, 750 g of sugar, 2.5 kg of beans, 1 kg of macaroni, 500 g of tea, 1 can of tomatoes, 1 box of biscuits
Non-food items: Underwear (2 pairs for men, 2 pairs for women, 4 pairs for children), 1 box of detergent, 3 packs of women’s sanitary products, 1kg of soap, 2 towels, basket for distributing items

Families returning to their homes after collecting their share of supplies.
The food supplies and daily necessity items were separated into baskets per family.
Atsushi MIYAZAKI (left) and Yumeka OTA (right) pictured with the villagers holding the relief supplies.
A range of snow-capped mountains can be seen from the village. The temperature reaches below freezing point in the morning and evening.
Mr. Kadas (center) took roll of the villagers and coordinated the distribution of supplies.
The ray of sunset gently hit the mosque with broken windows and peeled walls at the square where the villagers gathered.

Miyuki KONNAI, AAR JAPAN Tokyo Office
Joined AAR JAPAN’s Tokyo office in October, 2011. Developed an interest in Turkey, a country bridging the East and West, as a university student, and continued studies at the graduate level. Investigated topics such as immigration and the nation’s application to the EU, and conducted field research in Turkey and northern Cyprus. Joined AAR JAPAN after spending 5.5 years as a newspaper reporter. (Born in Fukushima Prefecture)


East Africa: Delivering Food to Unreached Villages

AAR JAPAN has been carrying out relief operations in areas of Kenya affected by the ongoing drought. On November 2nd, we distributed relief supplies to 500 households in the Yahasley settlement in Garissa, northeastern Kenya. Each relief package contained food such as rice, spaghetti and beans, as well as daily necessities such as a bucket, soap and a plastic sheet. Since neither the Kenyan government nor any other aid organization has as yet been able to reach this village to provide relief, our support was truly appreciated.

A woman from the village, Ms. Gamana (when asked her age, she said “100”) came to settle in Yahasley about 2 months ago. She used to have a herd of 1,000 goats, but it shrank to as few as 50 as a result of the ongoing drought. She still hopes to raise more goats and resume her nomadic lifestyle. It is an hour’s walk to get water from the river. “Thank you so much for coming all the way to this settlement,” Ms. Gamana told us. “I am very happy.”

November 2nd, 2011 – A woman comes to receive relief supplies with her baby in her arms.
Mr. Isa, 31 years old, is a father of 3 children aged 4, 2 and 1. He used to live as a nomad, but all his livestock, comprising 7 cows and 10 goats, died in August, forcing him to settle in Yahasley in September. Now he is making ends meet by selling charcoal or working as a day laborer. Sometimes his relatives give him a goat to sell, but a goat only earns one day’s worth of living expenses for a family of 7. “The food shortage has been continuing for some time,” he said. “I wish these supply distributions could happen more often.”

November 2nd, 2011 – Mr. Isa supports a family of 7.
Items distributed to each household included 10 kg of rice, 2 kg of spaghetti, 3 kg of flour, 3 kg of beans, 1 kg of sugar, 500 g of salt, 1 L of cooking oil, 2 cans of tomatoes, tea leaves, a bucket, a plastic tank, women’s sanitary products, 3 bars of soap, and a plastic sheet.

Rain has Begun to Fall, but the Situation Remains Grim

Kenya’s rainy season finally began at the end of October, with sudden downpours even blocking the streets in some areas. Bad roads have caused delays to supply distribution, but we have continued operations nonetheless. It is expected that the rainfall will lead to the regrowth of plants for livestock to eat, but substantial recovery will still take time.

AAR JAPAN’s relief operations at the refugee camps in Dadaab have been temporarily suspended due to the deterioration of security conditions near the Somali border. For the time being, operations will focus on the distribution of food and other relief supplies to those suffering from food shortages near Garissa. We deeply appreciate your continued support.

*This project has been made possible thanks to a grant from Japan Platform in addition to generous individual donations.

November 2nd, 2011 – Nicolette KRAUSS, right, hands out cooking oil, one of the relief items.

November 2nd, 2011 – People in the Yahasley settlement come to receive relief supplies.
They say that they have not received any aid until now.

Nicolette KRAUSS, AAR JAPAN Tokyo office
Joined the overseas division of AAR JAPAN’s Tokyo office in September, 2011. Majored in Japanese at university in Germany, and came to Japan for the first time in 1989. Studied in Sapporo for a year as an international student. Returned to Japan in 2005 and worked for banks and a beverage company. Temporarily returned to Germany after the Great East Japan Earthquake, then returned to volunteer in the disaster-affected areas before joining AAR JAPAN. Born in Munich, Germany. (Profile at the time of posting)