In response to the downpours and flooding that hit western Japan in early July, Association for Aid and Relief Japan (AAR) dispatched the emergency response team on 9th July.
The team entered Okayama Prefecture on 9th July, where destruction is severe. Collaborating with the Peace Project, an NPO, AAR operated soup kitchen and deliverd curry for 250 people at Niman Elementary School Evacuation Center of Kurashiki city.
Gymnasium of Niman elementary school at Kurashiki city is used as a shelter. |
People in the affected areas helped us prepare for the soup kitchen. The left side is Ben Kato, AAR's director and the head of the Peace Project. |
AAR and Peace Project serverd curry to 250 people at the Niman Elementary shcool evacuation center on 9th July. |
Please donate and help us support the people of western Japan.
Donating at the Japan Post Office
Account Number: 00100-9-600
Account Name: Nanmin wo Tasukerukai (難民を助ける会)
Please write down “Western Japan” and specify if you need a receipt.